manifestações expandidas do audiovisual
Este livro do AVXLab traz uma perspectiva sobre o audiovisual que se expande para além dos paradigmas industriais do cinema e da televisão, constituindo novos meios, formatos, processos, fluxos e circuitos criativos.
organização: Lucas Bambozzi e Demetrio Portugal // coautores: Andrés Denegri, Christine Mello, Claudio Bueno, Edu Zal, Fernando Velázquez, Gabriel Menotti, Giselle Beiguelman, Henrique Roscoe, Leticia Ramos, Lucia Koch, Mario Ramiro, Mirella Brandi, Patricia Moran Fernandes, Raimo Benedetti, Roberta Carvalho, Roberto Moreira S. Cruz, Rodrigo Gontijo, Tanya Toft Ag // editora: Equador // coord.editorial: Gabriela Longman // proj.gráfico: Laura Daviña // gráfica: Ipsis Gráfica e Editora // realização: AVXLab, Spcine, Cultura-SP
21-24 February 2018
The Urban Media Art Academy is a networked, global educational initiative that investigates and intermediates what urban media art can do – why when where and how – for people and communities, urban complexity, and future sustainable environments.
It is initiated with aims of facilitating, qualifying and expanding reflective, ethical and sustainable theory and practice with media art in the urban domain. Combining action research modules, lab+lectures, field trips, seminars, practical workshops and public symposia.

FEB-MAR – AVXLab 2018
Daniela Arriado (Norway/Chile) is the Director and founder of Art Republic – Urban media platform, and the Screen City Biennial in Norway. Her work explores new curatorial approaches towards expanded borders of cinematic experiences and the audio-visual.
Her aim is to create and explore the meeting between art – tech- and innovation, urban screens and online streaming platforms for video art and animation – and through these projects, pave new waves for the distribution and dissemination of the moving image to the public.

DEC.17-MAR.18 – AVXLab 2018
Dr. Tanya Toft Ag (DK) is a curator, researcher, urban theorist, lecturer and initiator in the arts examining manifestations of media art in the urban domain, especially in relation to conditions of change and media aesthetic innovation (in art, architecture, technologies, interfaces, digital culture, science and real and artificial environments).
In São Paulo she examines current tendencies and trajectories of urban media art in a Brazilian context s developing in between fine art, visual culture, architecture, music culture, and movements of resistance.